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Chemical Etching with Monel

Monel is more challenging to CNC machine than steel because it work-hardens quickly, and its alloys are stronger than pure nickel and are extremely resistant to many corrosive agents, including saltwater and toxic gasses. These properties combined with Monel’s ductility make it an ideal candidate for etching electronic components for oil & gas, marine, and aerospace environments.

E-Fab harnesses these qualities to produce components that perform optimally even under extreme temperature variations and electromagnetic environments.

We welcome your questions about how to use Monel for your parts.

Types of Monel used at E-Fab

Comprising a blend of nickel, copper, iron, manganese, carbon, and silicon, Monel presents a unique set of properties that make it ideal for various applications across various industries.

Call us to discuss which Monel is right for your part.

Monel Etching Capabilities

Panel SizeMin. 4"x6", max. 12"x18"
Panel ThicknessMin. 0.001”, max 0.040”
Hole SizeMin. 0.005” or 1.2x of material thickness
SpacingMin. same as material thickness
Inside & Outside RadiiMin. same as material thickness
Center-center hole distanceRefer to hole size and minimum spacing requirements
Etch Toleranceminimum of ± .0005”; increase minimum based on material thickness and feature type

Why Choose

Corrosion Resistance
Durability and Long-Term Performance
Non-Magnetic Properties
Thermal Conductivity
Monel’s high strength and excellent mechanical properties make it suitable for crafting intricate components that demand precision and reliability. E-Fab’s expertise in working with this alloy enables them to create complex parts with tight tolerances, meeting their customers’ exact specifications and requirements with precision and accuracy.

E-Fab manufacturers are experts at etching and forming monel to precise standards and specifications.

Customers select Monel for coaxial switches, vacuum chamber seals, lasers, aircraft wiring, piping systems, pump shafts, and seawater valves. E-Fab delivers precision monel parts for oil and gas, marine operations, and aerospace companies.

E-Fab is an industry leader in delivering innovative, accurate, and reliable parts thanks to decades of experience and expertise in a suite of processes.

We are known for our experience and expertise in:



Design Support

Photochemical Etching



High-frequency Substrate

CNC Machining





Supply Chain Acquisitions

We work with the world’s most important industries.

E-fab Aerospace
E-fab Industries Defense Army Tank
Eye Examination Test
E-fab Industries Technology
renewable energy from solar panels and wind farms
E-fab Telecom Ground Satelite
Containing Fuel in Auto Tank
Electr. Vehicles & Automotive

Contact us to discuss how we can deliver engineering and manufacturing solutions.